Rend Magic

Rend Magic
List: Mystic Warrior
Cost: 10
Prereqs: Dispelling Strike
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

This skill allows the character to do one of three effects per use of this skill: remove all latent spells on the target character as per the Destroy Magic spell, dispel a Magic Sanctuary spell, or dispel an Imprisonment spell. Only one of those effects can be used per use of the Rend Magic skill. The character does not have to calls the effect when the skill is used, but the character can only target a Magic Sanctuary or Imprisonment spell if their target is under those effects. So if the target is in a Magic Sanctuary, the character cannot remove the targets latent spells, bypassing the Magic Sanctuary. They would have to use one use of the skill to remove the Magic Sanctuary and another to remove the targets latent spells. To use this skill, the character needs their Dedicated Weapon, and must strike the target character with their weapon. The character should call, “Rend Magic” when using this skill.

To dispel a Magic Sanctuary or Imprisonment spell, the character has to strike any legal combat area on the target character, even their weapon, shield, or cloak since the Magic Sanctuary or Imprisonment spell is the primary target not the target character.

This skill is stopped by a magical defense that stops physical attacks, Master Parry, Slay Parry, Dodge, etc. This master level skill is only stopped by master level parries, therefore Crit Parry, etc. will not work. Note the target cannot use a martial defense if they are under the effects of an Imprisonment or Magical Sanctuary spell; they may use any magical defense that stops physical attacks, such as an Invulnerability or a Ritual of Defense to stop the attack while they are in a Magical Sanctuary or Imprisonment.

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